About Us

Interweb Education

We’re actually serious about education. We believe that it should not matter what your background is or how much money your family has. Options in education should be open to everyone.

Interweb Education is here to provide schools, teachers, students and the general public with all these options. 

We are not connected to any government agenda or religious dogma but believe everyone needs to learn the basics of education to succeed.

Mission Statement

Interweb Educations’ purpose is to bring together as many facets of education as possible. As a result, we supply you with all the tools you need to pursue so you can succeed in life, regardless of age. All you need is the drive (we show you how to get that too).

Education can be defined as the giving or receiving of instruction or the teaching of skills. Everyone can use Interweb Education. Therefore, instructors around the world can use our system and share their knowledge so that all people can gain the education they want and need.

We support a new paradigm in education where there is less input by governments and where schools eventually become learning hubs. The basics of English (or the main language of a country), arithmetic, data entry, life skills and analytical (thinking and research) skills will be taught to everyone from an early age.

General topics and addition skills will be taught as children age depending on the skills they require and desire to reach their aspirations.

Our Core Values

We believe education should be accessible to all. Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children.

Schools are an extension of the home. They are the first part of the community that young people become a part of and where they receive guidance and instruction. Therefore schools need to provide the best environment to enable all students to succeed. With the latest trends in absentee numbers and failures, there is something lacking in existing systems. Interweb Education is here to try and help everyone succeed through new methods and strategies.

Happiness and success come by doing what you love. Everyone has something they are good at and enjoy. If this is encouraged and guidance is given, success will follow with determination. We believe the key to success and a brighter future for all is through education, not regulation. As such, we encourage critical thinking above indoctrination with a set curriculum and help students to learn for themselves and discover their own path to success.

Learning the basic, essential skills is a must but through critical thinking and encouraging everyone to pursue their passions anyone can become a successful person without the need of memorizing irrelevant information.

Interweb Education provides the platform for schools, homes and individuals to help everyone accomplish this.

None of our resources includes any of the sexuality or gender education promoted by state education. We address students as he/she, boy/girl, and male/female as they are born. We promote gender, social and racial equality. We promote an education system and schools that only supply all the essential and basic tools to prepare students for work, character development and success.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela.

Our Philosophy

Teach our students what they need and want.

Everyone should master basic literacy and arithmetical skills.

Eliminate dangerous gender indoctrination in schools. These are beliefs, and adult choices and have no place in schools.

All should have training on how to study, research for themselves and think critically – to be able to access and analyse information for themselves and develop personal values.

Developing life skills, learning how to set and reach goals, pursuing ambition and being creative are essential.

Beyond everything, education and guidance on developing good character and prosocial values to eliminate criminal mentality and anti-social behaviour.

Our History
Stuart Macmillan  Elizabeth Macmillan

Hello, we are the husband and wife team, Stuart and Elizabeth Macmillan, founding partners of Interweb Education.

We began in 2002 by founding the Character Education Programmes of New Zealand. Our purpose was to help schools educate the whole child through the development of their own set of values and help them set goals, learn personal responsibility and succeed.

More resources and books were written by us to help teachers and students over the years in every aspect of class management and students’ educational and social development, free from any dogma. Let’s face it, kids need all the help they can get to get on in life and we can’t rely on governments to provide all they need.

Due to the widening range of our products, we re-launched our services in 2013 as Edukits. As technology and demand changed, we had to up-skill, redesign and re-categorise our services. Interweb Education is the culmination of 2 decades of research, and dedication.

Interweb Education and our associated websites are what we had dreamed of being able to provide for all to use. Let education and the teaching of critical thinking, be the solution to society’s problems, not more regulations, rules and taxes. Dig into our services, become a member, have your say on our posts and discussion forum and either learn or teach what is needed for life through the family of Interweb Education.

Why use Interweb Education?
  • As a student: Ask your school for access to many lessons through our online library. If they are not a member, ask your teacher.
  • As a teacher: Access any of our numerous resources, and teaching strategies through School-Kits.
  • As a school: Sign up for our online library. You can allow all your teachers access to read or download our entire collection of guides.
  • Need extra help? We have staff waiting to help you type up a lesson plan, create eBooks or assignments or even help you with your clerical tasks. See NZ Administration for more details.

Our associated websites include:

  • School Kits – Our collection of educational resources for schools, teachers and students.
  • NZ Admin – Need help with some administration work? We are here to help from our remote location. No need to employ someone when you have experienced administrators here to help you. No job is too small or too big!
  • Interweb Apps – We make Web Apps for schools, clubs and small businesses: Make your website mobile!

We are a member of the eLearning Industry Association

Disclaimer: Although we started the CEPNZ in 2002 we are no longer associated with or have any connection to the domain cepnz.co.nz. We did not renew our ownership of the domain and someone else bought it and called themselves the character education program of New Zealand. We had a battle to get them to remove content they copied verbatim from our original website as of 2011 and we would warn people to be very cautious of that website domain as it now promotes gambling.