Embracing Humility: Why Pride Should Be Avoided

family values

In the embracing of pro-social values, humility stands as a cornerstone. It’s a value often overshadowed by its louder, more assertive counterpart: pride. While pride can sometimes be perceived as a positive trait, deeply ingrained in cultures and societies, its allure can lead us astray from the path of personal and collective growth. Excessive pride can lead to arrogance, stubbornness, intolerance, proselytism and an unwillingness to admit mistakes.

The Illusion of Superiority

Pride often manifests as a sense of superiority, an inflated ego that blinds us to our own faults and limitations. It creates a barrier between ourselves and others, fostering a divisive mindset of ‘us versus them.’ When we allow pride to govern our actions, we inadvertently distance ourselves from empathy and compassion, essential components of harmonious human interaction.

Humility, on the other hand, dismantles this illusion of superiority. It cultivates a spirit of openness and receptivity, allowing us to acknowledge our imperfections and learn from our mistakes. By embracing humility, we recognise the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, fostering genuine connections based on mutual respect, empathy and understanding.

Cultivating Gratitude and Appreciation

Pride often breeds an insatiable appetite for validation and recognition. We measure our worth by external achievements and accolades, constantly seeking affirmation from others. However, this pursuit of validation is a fleeting endeavour, as it hinges on external factors beyond our control. Trying to push “pride” in a life choice can lead to the need for indoctrination and forced acceptance of that choice to validate it. This should be avoided in society.

In contrast, humility teaches us to find fulfilment in the simple joys of life. It encourages us to cultivate gratitude for what we receive, and possess an appreciation for the efforts of others. Rather than seeking validation from external sources, humility allows us to find validation within ourselves, grounded in our values and principles.

Fostering Growth and Resilience

Pride erects barriers to personal and collective growth, stifling innovation and progress. When we’re driven by pride, we become resistant to feedback and constructive criticism, viewing them as threats to our ego rather than opportunities for improvement. This stagnation impedes our ability to adapt to change and overcome challenges effectively.

Humility, on the other hand, fosters a growth mindset rooted in self-awareness and resilience. It empowers us to embrace feedback with humility, recognising it as a catalyst for growth and self-improvement. By acknowledging our vulnerabilities and embracing a humble attitude towards learning, we become more adaptable and resilient in the face of adversity.

Strengthening Bonds and Building Community

Pride isolates groups from others, fostering a sense of competition and distrust. It breeds resentment and animosity, fracturing the bonds of community and eroding the foundations of solidarity. When pride reigns unchecked, collaboration becomes compromised, and conflicts escalate, undermining the fabric of society.

Humility, however, strengthens bonds and builds community. It fosters an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation, where individuals are valued for their unique contributions and perspectives. By practising humility, we create space for empathy and reconciliation, nurturing harmonious relationships built on trust and mutual support.


In a world that often celebrates pride and self-promotion, humility stands as a beacon of light, guiding us towards deeper connections and greater fulfilment. By embracing humility, we shatter the illusion of superiority, cultivate gratitude and appreciation, foster growth and resilience, and strengthen bonds within our communities.

As we go through life, let us remember the timeless wisdom of humility and strive to embody its virtues in our thoughts, words, and actions. For in humility, we find the true essence of our humanity – the capacity to uplift others, forge meaningful connections, and create a world where compassion and kindness reign supreme.

The staff at Interweb Education believe that celebrating “pride” in having particular sexual preferences is mentally unhealthy and is getting as bad as extreme patriotism or nationalism and certainly not something for schools to promote.

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